
Showing posts from May, 2017

Sinx - Cosx İntegral Dönüşümleri

Merhaba arkadaşlar bu yazıda aize sinx - cosx in türev ve integralini en hızlı ve ezber yapmadan yolunu göstereceğim. Ilk önce y ekseninin pozitif kısmının sinüsx negatif kısmının -sinx , x ekseninin pozitif kısmının cosx negatif kısmınında  olduğunu hatırlayalım. Bize soru sinx in integralini  sormuş biz de sinx in y ekseninin pozitif kısmı olduğunu biliyoruz.                                           "İntegralde saat yönünün tersi yönde devam edilir" Aşşağıdaki gibi; Yani.                                 "Sinx in integrali -Cosx "                                                       "-Cosx in integrali -Sinx "                                                                                  "-Sinx in integrali Cosx "       ...

Sinx - Cosx Türev Dönüşümleri

Merhaba arkadaşlar bu yazıda aize sinx - cosx in türev ve integralini en hızlı ve ezber yapmadan yolunu göstereceğim. Ilk önce y ekseninin pozitif kısmının sinüsx negatif kısmının -sinx , x ekseninin pozitif kısmının cosx negatif kısmınında  olduğunu hatırlayalım. Bize soru sinx in türevini sormuş biz de sinx in y ekseninin pozitif kısmı olduğunu biliyoruz.                        "Türevde saat yönünde ." devam edeceğiz aşşağıdaki gibi. Sinx türevi Cosx Cosx türevi -Sinx -Sinx türevi -Cosx                          

William Kamkwamba

You can create handwriting instead of the greatest success in life. It is impossible to realize what he said. Famous names such as Al Gore and Walter Issacson, who are part of William Kamkwamba, were also very influential and took a long time on the top sellers list. Selim Yeniceri also translated the book into Turkish, you are sure that you will be interested in Turkey. It is said that a 14-year-old child has the chance to set up a new life in the best way possible without scarcely losing hope despite the famine and diseases. The perfect book, Windy Angry Child, will surely create something that will be exciting to our valued customers. Books between books that are definitely to be read are not worth the money paid for it. MLMM.

Sait Faik abasıyanık lüzumsuz adam

Mansur Bey, who does the same thing on the 7th of the week, goes to his cowl as usual and starts a French conversation with a coffee-laden Jewish lady. Then he goes to the library and gets a French magazine. Because this magazine will help tomorrow's conversation.The right goes to the right workbench and drinks sour sour lemon workbench at Bayram's shop. The evening falls asleep while translating unfamiliar words in French magazine. But the evening at 4:30 pm will surely wake up for the evening course. During the night of the grief, the night of the pasta gets scratched. Pick up the puppet and start watching the people coming out of the bush. Afterwards, he goes into the opposite bush, drinks his usual drink, Get off his desk when he changes one of his whistles. Hünsar Bey, who has not come out of his neighborhood since seven years, decides to leave his country one day. The beauty of Istanbul has charmed him and do you know what comes to mind? To sell the house, to sell the h

Kaybolan Hazineler

Beloved one night from the night by choosing one of those beautiful tables came to the sultan's daughter: O daughter of the sultan, tonight I will tell you a long story. Listen well. Do not give your eyes straight to sleep. Long time ago; Maybe a thousand years, maybe two thousand years ago a sultan. This sultan lived in one of the far away countries. This country is so far away that there must be a hundred mountains, fifty plains, five hundred rivers to get there. Here I am going to tell you something about this country tonight. Birgün was sailing around the city with the sultan of the country. Everyone is interested in their own business, a rush continues. As it happened every morning, one of the shops opened this morning. The Sultan was very pleased that his people were so industrious. When he walked, he found a blacksmith shop. The blacksmith ran into two bows and was crying. It was such a cry that it was impossible for the viewer not to worry. The poor guy who has no custom