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Beloved one night from the night by choosing one of those beautiful tables came to the sultan's daughter: O daughter of the sultan, tonight I will tell you a long story. Listen well. Do not give your eyes straight to sleep.
Long time ago; Maybe a thousand years, maybe two thousand years ago a sultan. This sultan lived in one of the far away countries. This country is so far away that there must be a hundred mountains, fifty plains, five hundred rivers to get there. Here I am going to tell you something about this country tonight.
Birgün was sailing around the city with the sultan of the country. Everyone is interested in their own business, a rush continues. As it happened every morning, one of the shops opened this morning. The Sultan was very pleased that his people were so industrious.
When he walked, he found a blacksmith shop. The blacksmith ran into two bows and was crying. It was such a cry that it was impossible for the viewer not to worry. The poor guy who has no customers for doing it all day. Because he could not do the job. Of course the sultan who saw the situation was also interested.
- It's so strange, I said. What the hell was this guy? If we can grasp if we can.
He immediately ordered the vizier:

- Learn the thesis of this man, let me know.
They continued walking. That street is yours, this street is mine. The Sultan was examining everything because his people wondered about the situation.
There was a garden in front of them. There are various kinds of trees in the garden. Suddenly they can not believe what they see. The gardener is waiting next to a huge apple tree, suddenly climbing with joy as if he saw something at the beginning of the tree, but he was coming back to the crying. This behavior of the man who could not make any sense to the Sultan:
- What is this gardener about?
He turned to his queen and;
- He told you why he was doing this.
The sultan continued with the vizier again. The weather was so beautiful that they wanted to walk as we walked. Every side is green. The smell of colorful flowers strangled people with love. They walked a little more cheerfully. This time a beggar came out to meet her. This beggar did not see his eyes. But the strange thing is that people who come and go on the road give a slap to this beggar and leave money for the pauper. The beggar is at every slap;
- Thanks, do not be missing; He says.
The Sultan stayed in amazement. "Come on, these people are crazy and I do not know about it," he asked himself. On the one hand he was angry:
- I am the sultan of this state. These people should be concerned that they are acting so strange. And I am unaware of all this. How many more people can suffer like this?
Vezir to;
- Listen to this beggar, too. I'd like to know what happened to all of you.
The Sultan and the vizier turned to the sarcophagus. But the Sultan was restless, turned to wonder of all he saw.
The vizier summoned these three men to the court the next day. Blacksmith, gardener and beggar were a little scared. But the order of the sultan, they had to go. They worried the worried palace. First, the blacksmith began to tell you what he was going through:
- One day a man selling chickens in front of my shop was passing. I stopped him right away and bought two chickens. I sent these chickens home with my claws. "They immediately cheat on both of them. They will eat one, and send the other to me. I have a lot of work. I can work all night. " The evening brought me some apprentice chickens. I'm so hungry that I set up the table for the day. I started eating a nice chicken. At that time a cat appeared beside the anvil. I never saw where you came from. It is obvious that the chicken I wanted to eat. He kept staring. But I did not give a single bite to the municipality how long I begged. There was a chicken and a wing left behind. The cat began to speak while he was eating the whole wing: "If you give me that wing, I will give you a hundred gold." I was surprised to hear the Kedin, but I did not listen to him. I also took the wing. I took the chicken with the elm, and the cat started talking again: "Do not eat the buck. Give it to me. In return, I give you a treasure. "I chased the cat. And I ate it nice. I finished the buckle and realized that the cat just disappeared. I do not know where he went. But there was a glow in the place where the cat had been. I approached and what I see. It looks like a hole and a treasure from this hole. I extended my hand. But in every extinction, the treasure disappeared. I was going crazy. I was getting away, the treasure was coming out. I was approaching, disappearing. I have been crying and approaching since that day.
After listening to the story of Demircin, he came to the gardener. He also explained what happened to him:
One morning I entered the garden to gather the fruits. I was collecting a fruit from the apple tree. In the meantime, a very beautiful bird standing right across the street made a cloudy appearance. I've never seen such a beautiful bird before. I've handed it out to catch the bird, but he's done it faster and he's ventilated as if he caught me. After a while, a huge rose
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